Thursday, June 11, 2009

अल्बर्ट आइंस्टाइन ALBERT EINSTEIN

जन्म : 14 March 1879 Ulm, Urtemberg, Jermany
मृत्यु : 18 April 1955 in Princeton, New Jercey, USA

जीवन : 76 yrs

पिता : हेरमन्न आइंस्टाइन व पुलिन आइंस्टाइन ( माता ); यहूदी परिवार में जन्म

बहन : मिलेवा मारिक प्रथम में :

  • One can be genius at a later stage even if he can not speak or write properly in his childhood as was the case with Einstein, Newton and Darwin
  • Einstein was a slow talker and pausing to consider what he would say but self sufficient and thoughtful in his childhood. The teacher considered him as a weak student in his classroom.
  • His first job was a patent clerk as he could not succeed to get a suitable job of a science teacher after passing out his graduation degree.
  • Submitted hid PhD thesis in April 1905 in University of Zurich which was acceped in July
  • 1905: Published 5 papers in Annalen der Physik which revolutionised physics.
  • In first paper, he proposed light as an electromagnetic radiation must consist of quantums or photons of discrete energy which also act as a particle. This work became the foundation of quantum theory. With this concept of light quanta, the photo electric effect was explained.
  • Second paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" deals with the objects in the two coordinate systems moving with constant speed relative to each other. This give rise to new interpretation of concept of space and time not independent to each other, constancy of speed of light and special theory of relativity
  • Einstein was suffering from Dislexia and though not able to put lace of his shoes till the age of 13 yrs. But one day he got Noble prize in Physics (1921) for his great discovery "Photo Electric Effect"
  • 29 May, 1919: A solar eclipse turns Einstein into an international hero.

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